Look Good Feel Better… Keeps Giving

We conclude Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month with the final post of our three-part blog series that follows Karen’s story. To read her first post, click here. To read her second post, click here.

By Karen from Washington, DC.

Just when I thought I had reached safe ground, my eyebrows disappeared along with my beautiful, long eye lashes!

eyebrowsIt was the very last week of chemotherapy. I had thought I had dodged the bullet. They were right; you do lose all hair as a result of this particular chemotherapy. I had been feeling good about how I presented myself to the world with a wig and my normal face in place. Again, I was humbled.

I can’t say I was knocked out, but I can say I was unhappy, especially when my office mates noted that I looked “different.” They meant well with their questions, but I was not keen on explaining what was askew.

My eyes had always been my best feature, so my make-up had always featured my eyes. Feeling blue, once again I looked to my Look Good Feel Better bag of goodies and came across two resources: a stencil and a booklet that explained how to draw eyebrows. Simple, but these tools guided me back to a more normal look and a safe harbor.

In all honesty my brows and eye lashes grew back rather fast compared to my hair. It was being an oddity and the many questions that I really wanted to avoid. Clear instructions and a pencil gave me back my privacy, as well as my “public” face.

When I attended the program in November, I had no idea that I would obtain long-term comfort for challenges so foreign to me that I could not have guessed my needs. Everything I had once taken for granted…my hair, my skin tone, my face had become an issue. The Look Good Feel Better workshop, just a short program, gave me information to help me cope, and regain balance and normalcy.

Quite a program!

For information about free Look Good Feel Better workshops in your area, please visit lookgoodfeelbeter.org and enter your zip code to search our Program Finder.